The Society exists to make Twickenham a better place in which to live. It seeks to stimulate public interest in, and care for, the beauty, history and character of Twickenham and its surroundings.

Twickenham Society Talks:

All meetings take place in the Twickenham Club, 7 Church Street, Twickenham, at 7.30 p.m.
(Members Free, Guests £4 – Annual Subscription £10)

Tuesday, 25th June: "Habitats and Heritage" followed by the A.G.M
An illustrated talk by Stephen Fielding (Projects Manager), Habitats and Heritage

Tuesday, 1st October: "Planning Control on the Thames"
An illustrated talk by Hilary Pereira. A joint meeting with the River Thames Society.

Tuesday, 19th November: "Let's Talk about Postcards"
An illustrated talk by Alan Winter

Other "Members Only" meetings during the year will be added if there are important local issues to discuss.